6 Hot Weather Energy Savers

Hot temperatures cost most Atlanta homeowners a pretty penny during summertime.  Of course, the bigger the house and the higher those ceilings that we love, the more space must be cooled.  Nonetheless, by design some homeowners are spared.  They own green homes.  Green buildings include one or more features to help achieve optimum comfort, energy savers, and operational economy.  Unless our homes are LEED-H Platinum certified, which is highly unusual, we are sure to soon experience skyrocketing energy bills.Energy Savers

Consider incorporating one of these energy savers into your property.  Energy efficient homes may be extremely well insulated from the ground through the roof panels and siding.  They may include special air systems and solar panels.  Landscapes may be xeriscapes instead of lawns.  Some may even use whole house rainwater catchment systems.  The rare green-built home also incorporates passive solar design.  Most of these energy efficient features are difficult to retrofit.

Ways to Improve Cooling and Save Money

Here are 6 ways to improve cooling efficiency.  These easy practices will help most homeowners to save on utility bills.

    1. Being kind to the air-conditioning system will pay off.  A well-maintained HVAC unit saves power and water and on utility bills.  Have the HVAC system serviced or do-it-yourself.  Clean or change the air filters.  Inspect the outdoor units for damage and even animal nests.
    2. Keep the vents open, even in rooms rarely used.  This increases the airflow and reduces pressure on the air conditioner.
    3. Keep the blinds closed during the day.  This eliminates the cost by sunlight that causes the air conditioning to work hard.
    4. Turn the AC down at night and kick it up a bit during the day – or start a programmable thermostat to do so.  The thermostat could also be set to adjust when no one is home.
    5. Remove incandescent lighting.  Replace it with LED bulbs that do not emit heat.
    6. Run the ceiling fans counterclockwise to help keep the rooms cool.  The air circulation will enable us to raise the thermostat slightly and still be comfortable.

Water Savings

Save water by irrigating early in the morning when temperatures reach overnight lows.  This prevents large percentages of the water from evaporating quickly.  Manual watering eliminates waste if automatic sprinklers run regardless of rainfall.  Another tip for saving water? Use a cistern to catch rainwater for outdoor uses.

Real Estate Agents – Atlanta GA

Please contact Butch Whitfield Group, Harry Norman Realtors, at 770.630.6668 or 404.897.5558 for more information about Atlanta homes to fit your budget and goals.

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